Recursively merge the pair of clusters that minimally increases a given linkage distance.

  n_clusters = 2L,
  metric = c("euclidean", "l1", "l2", "manhattan", "cosine"),
  connectivity = c("pairwise", "knn"),
  n_neighbors = 15L



The input matrix or dataframe. Each data point should be a row and should consist of numeric values only.


The number of clusters to find. Default: 2L.


Metric used for linkage computation. Must be one of "euclidean", "l1", "l2", "manhattan", "cosine". If connectivity is "knn" then only "euclidean" is accepted. Default: "euclidean".


The type of connectivity matrix to compute. Must be one of "pairwise", "knn". Default: "pairwise". - 'pairwise' will compute the entire fully-connected graph of pairwise distances between each set of points. This is the fastest to compute and can be very fast for smaller datasets but requires O(n^2) space. - 'knn' will sparsify the fully-connected connectivity matrix to save memory and enable much larger inputs. "n_neighbors" will control the amount of memory used and the graph will be connected automatically in the event "n_neighbors" was not large enough to connect it.


The number of neighbors to compute when connectivity is "knn". Default: 15L.


A clustering object with the following attributes: "n_clusters": The number of clusters found by the algorithm. "children": The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than nrow(x) correspond to leaves of the tree which are the original samples. children[i + 1][1] and children[i + 1][2] were merged to form node (nrow(x) + i) in the i-th iteration. "labels": cluster label of each data point.


#> #> Attaching package: ‘purrr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:magrittr’: #> #> set_names
set.seed(0L) gen_pts <- function() { centers <- list(c(1000, 1000), c(-1000, -1000), c(-1000, 1000)) pts <- centers %>% map(~ mvrnorm(50, mu = .x, Sigma = diag(2))) rlang::exec(rbind, !!!pts) %>% as.matrix() } clust <- cuda_ml_agglomerative_clustering( x = gen_pts(), metric = "euclidean", n_clusters = 3L ) print(clust$labels)