Send a custom prompt to the LLM




Use a Large Language Model (LLM) to process the provided text using the instructions from prompt


llm_custom(.data, col, prompt = "", pred_name = ".pred", valid_resps = "") 
llm_vec_custom(x, prompt = "", valid_resps = NULL) 


Arguments Description
.data A data.frame or tbl object that contains the text to be analyzed
col The name of the field to analyze, supports tidy-eval
prompt The prompt to append to each record sent to the LLM
pred_name A character vector with the name of the new column where the prediction will be placed
valid_resps If the response from the LLM is not open, but deterministic, provide the options in a vector. This function will set to NA any response not in the options
x A vector that contains the text to be analyzed


llm_custom returns a data.frame or tbl object. llm_vec_custom returns a vector that is the same length as x.


llm_use("ollama", "llama3.2", seed = 100, .silent = TRUE) 
my_prompt <- paste( 
  "Answer a question.", 
  "Return only the answer, no explanation", 
  "Acceptable answers are 'yes', 'no'", 
  "Answer this about the following text, is this a happy customer?:" 
reviews |> 
  llm_custom(review, my_prompt) 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   review                                                                   .pred
#>   <chr>                                                                    <chr>
#> 1 This has been the best TV I've ever used. Great screen, and sound.       Yes  
#> 2 I regret buying this laptop. It is too slow and the keyboard is too noi… No   
#> 3 Not sure how to feel about my new washing machine. Great color, but har… No