Sentiment analysis




Use a Large Language Model (LLM) to perform sentiment analysis from the provided text


  options = c("positive", "negative", "neutral"), 
  pred_name = ".sentiment", 
  additional_prompt = "" 
  options = c("positive", "negative", "neutral"), 
  additional_prompt = "", 
  preview = FALSE 


Arguments Description
.data A data.frame or tbl object that contains the text to be analyzed
col The name of the field to analyze, supports tidy-eval
options A vector with the options that the LLM should use to assign a sentiment to the text. Defaults to: ‘positive’, ‘negative’, ‘neutral’
pred_name A character vector with the name of the new column where the prediction will be placed
additional_prompt Inserts this text into the prompt sent to the LLM
x A vector that contains the text to be analyzed
preview It returns the R call that would have been used to run the prediction. It only returns the first record in x. Defaults to FALSE Applies to vector function only.


llm_sentiment returns a data.frame or tbl object. llm_vec_sentiment returns a vector that is the same length as x.


llm_use("ollama", "llama3.2", seed = 100, .silent = TRUE) 
llm_sentiment(reviews, review) 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   review                                                              .sentiment
#>   <chr>                                                               <chr>     
#> 1 This has been the best TV I've ever used. Great screen, and sound.  positive  
#> 2 I regret buying this laptop. It is too slow and the keyboard is to… negative  
#> 3 Not sure how to feel about my new washing machine. Great color, bu… neutral
# Use 'pred_name' to customize the new column's name 
llm_sentiment(reviews, review, pred_name = "review_sentiment") 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   review                                                        review_sentiment
#>   <chr>                                                         <chr>           
#> 1 This has been the best TV I've ever used. Great screen, and … positive        
#> 2 I regret buying this laptop. It is too slow and the keyboard… negative        
#> 3 Not sure how to feel about my new washing machine. Great col… neutral
# Pass custom sentiment options 
llm_sentiment(reviews, review, c("positive", "negative")) 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   review                                                              .sentiment
#>   <chr>                                                               <chr>     
#> 1 This has been the best TV I've ever used. Great screen, and sound.  positive  
#> 2 I regret buying this laptop. It is too slow and the keyboard is to… negative  
#> 3 Not sure how to feel about my new washing machine. Great color, bu… negative
# Specify values to return per sentiment 
llm_sentiment(reviews, review, c("positive" ~ 1, "negative" ~ 0)) 
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   review                                                              .sentiment
#>   <chr>                                                                    <dbl>
#> 1 This has been the best TV I've ever used. Great screen, and sound.           1
#> 2 I regret buying this laptop. It is too slow and the keyboard is to…          0
#> 3 Not sure how to feel about my new washing machine. Great color, bu…          0
# For character vectors, instead of a data frame, use this function 
llm_vec_sentiment(c("I am happy", "I am sad")) 
#> [1] "positive" "negative"
# To preview the first call that will be made to the downstream R function 
llm_vec_sentiment(c("I am happy", "I am sad"), preview = TRUE) 
#> ollamar::chat(messages = list(list(role = "user", content = "You are a helpful sentiment engine. Return only one of the following answers: positive, negative, neutral. No capitalization. No explanations.  The answer is based on the following text:\nI am happy")), 
#>     output = "text", model = "llama3.2", seed = 100)