Specify the model to use




Allows us to specify the back-end provider, model to use during the current R session


  backend = NULL, 
  model = NULL, 
  .silent = FALSE, 
  .cache = NULL, 
  .force = FALSE 


Arguments Description
backend The name of an supported back-end provider. Currently only ‘ollama’ is supported.
model The name of model supported by the back-end provider
Additional arguments that this function will pass down to the integrating function. In the case of Ollama, it will pass those arguments to ollamar::chat().
.silent Avoids console output
.cache The path to save model results, so they can be re-used if the same operation is ran again. To turn off, set this argument to an empty character: "". ‘It defaults to’_mall_cache’. If this argument is left NULL when calling this function, no changes to the path will be made.
.force Flag that tell the function to reset all of the settings in the R session


A mall_session object


llm_use("ollama", "llama3.2") 
#> ── mall session object
#> Backend: ollama
#> LLM session: model:llama3.2
#> R session: cache_folder:_mall_cache
# Additional arguments will be passed 'as-is' to the 
# downstream R function in this example, to ollama::chat() 
llm_use("ollama", "llama3.2", seed = 100, temp = 0.1) 
#> ── mall session object 
#> Backend: ollamaLLM session:  model:llama3.2
#>   seed:100
#>   temp:0.1
#> R session: cache_folder:_mall_cache
# During the R session, you can change any argument 
# individually and it will retain all of previous 
# arguments used 
llm_use(temp = 0.3) 
#> ── mall session object 
#> Backend: ollamaLLM session:  model:llama3.2
#>   seed:100
#>   temp:0.3
#> R session: cache_folder:_mall_cache
# Use .cache to modify the target folder for caching 
llm_use(.cache = "_my_cache") 
#> ── mall session object 
#> Backend: ollamaLLM session:  model:llama3.2
#>   seed:100
#>   temp:0.3
#> R session: cache_folder:_my_cache
# Leave .cache empty to turn off this functionality 
llm_use(.cache = "") 
#> ── mall session object 
#> Backend: ollamaLLM session:  model:llama3.2
#>   seed:100
#>   temp:0.3
# Use .silent to avoid the print out 
llm_use(.silent = TRUE)