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Sometimes your validation or testing data has more values than the horizon of your model but you still want to create predictions for each time step on them. rolling_slice only generates the slices and can be useful for debuging purposes.


rolling_predict(object, past_data, new_data, step = NULL)

rolling_slice(object, past_data, new_data, step = NULL)



a model object for which prediction is desired.


A data.frame() with past information for creating the predictions. It should include at least lookback values - but can be more. It's concatenated with new_data before passing forward. If NULL, the data used to train the model is used.


A data.frame() containing a dataset to generate predictions for. In general it's used to pass static and known information to generate forecasts.


Default is the step to be the same as the horizon o the model, that way we have one prediction per slice.


This function will combine your past_data (that can also include your training data) and create slices so you create predictions for each value in new_data.


  • rolling_slice: Generate slices for predictions without adding the predictions.