
  • improve function documentation consistency before translation

New features

  • parsnip models now allow transparently passing case weights through workflows::add_case_weights() parameters (#151)
  • parsnip models now support tabnet_model and from_epoch parameters (#143)


New features

  • {tabnet} now allows hierarchical multi-label classification through {data.tree} hierarchical Node dataset. (#126)
  • tabnet_pretrain() now allows different GLU blocks in GLU layers in encoder and in decoder through the config() parameters num_idependant_decoder and num_shared_decoder (#129)
  • Add reduce_on_plateau as option for lr_scheduler at tabnet_config() (@SvenVw, #120)
  • use zeallot internally with %<-% for code readability (#133)
  • add FR translation (#131)

New features


  • tabnet_explain() is now correctly handling missing values in predictors. (#77)
  • dataloader can now use num_workers>0 (#83)
  • new default values for batch_size and virtual_batch_size improves performance on mid-range devices.
  • add default engine="torch" to tabnet parsnip model (#114)
  • fix autoplot() warnings turned into errors with {ggplot2} v3.4 (#113)
  • Added an update method for tabnet models to allow the correct usage of finalize_workflow (#60).

New features


  • Fixed bug in GPU training. (#22)
  • Fixed memory leaks when using custom autograd function.
  • Batch predictions to avoid OOM error.

Internal improvements

  • Added GPU CI. (#22)
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.