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The torch R package is composed of multiple abstraction layers until R code finally calls LibTorch code. Depending on which part of the code you want to modify you might need different build requirements for setting up.

Because of some special requirements the project has, it’s not always possible to use the standard devtools tools to work on torch. This guide is intended for contributors to the torch codebase to quickly get set up and be able to modify the source code without spending too much time understanding the internals.

The torch R package is composed of the following layers, going top down:

  1. R code calling torch_ functions.
  2. R code calling cpp_torch_ functions.
  3. Rcpp (C++) code calling lantern_torch_ functions.
  4. Lantern (C++) code calling LibTorch functions.

Depending on the function 2, 3 and 4. might be auto-generated (via the tools/torchgen) package or not. In the next sections we will explain how to contribute code depending on the layer you are modifying.

R source code

Modifying R source code should be the simplest case and it shouldn’t be required for contributors to other tools than the standard R development toolbox (like RTools on Windows and a C++ compiler on MacOS).

The standard devtools should just work too. Ie, you can clone the project from GitHub, modify R source code, including documentation and run devtools::load_all()

The first time you run devtools::load_all(), the torch installation prompt will appear and LibTorch and lantern binaries will be downloaded and installed inside the inst directory of your installation. Subsequent calls will work as expected.

Note loading torch twice without restarting the R session causes the session to crash. Unbfortunatelly we don’t know yet how to fix this bug and it’s related to problems with correctly unloading shared libraries. So you should restart your session before calling devtools::load_all() again. Also note that other functions might call devtools::load_all() internally, like eg. devtools::test() and devtools::document().

Also, running Build or Check in the RStudio pane will fail, as it calls Rcpp::CompileAttributes without calling the Makevars file instructions, that are required for torch to work correctly.

If you use devtools::check() pass the argument devtools::check(document=FALSE). The reason for this is described below.


torch registers a few roxygen2 roclets to handle examples and sessions in roxygen2 documentation. Unfortunately we are unaware of any method to automatically register these roclets without messing with the DESCRIPTION’s collate field.

The recommended way to update documentation in torch is by using the tools/document.R script. You can either call source("tools/document.R") or, the recommended, run:

Rscript tools/document.R

in your terminal. This has the advantage that since devtools::document() is called internally and it calls pkgload::load_all(), that won’t crash your R session if you forget to restart your session (see note above).

Rcpp code

Modifying Rcpp source code in src should be very similar to modifying C++ in other R packages.

You should pay attention when calling lantern_* functions though. Most lantern_* functions return void* that will leak the referring objects if they are not correctly freed after use. The best way to handle them is to always assign them to a variable with the correct type defined in inst/include/torch_types.h specially those defined in the C++ namespace torch {}. If you use these kind of objects you also gain the ability to return them to R without having to write custom Rcpp code as for most of them we have implemented the SEXP() operator.

Lantern code

In order to modify the Lantern source code you will first need to make sure the environment variable BUILD_LANTERN is set to 1. To avoid forgetting to set it you can add it to your .Renviron using, eg usethis::edit_r_environ().

That flag will trigger the configure file to call the lantern target in Makevars. Building lantern requires CMake to be in your path. You can install CMake in all major platforms by following instructions in the install page.

When BUILD_LANTERN=1 and you run devtools::load_all(), Lantern will be compiled as part of that workflow. You will see a new directory called build-lantern in your package directory containing files related to the Lantern build.

Lantern source code is located in src/lantern/src. The lantern CMakeLists file is located at src/lantern/CMakeLists.txt. You can also take a look at the lantern target in src/ to get a sense of what CMake commands are called when building Lantern from source.

By default, rebuilding Lantern is incremental, ie, calling devtools::load_all() will only rebuild modified parts of the Lantern code. Depending on the extend of your modifications in Lantern source code you might need to completely clean the build directory, you can do it by simply removing the build-lantern directory.