Applies a multi-layer Elman RNN with \(\tanh\) or \(\mbox{ReLU}\) non-linearity to an input sequence.
num_layers = 1,
nonlinearity = NULL,
bias = TRUE,
batch_first = FALSE,
dropout = 0,
bidirectional = FALSE,
- input_size
The number of expected features in the input
The number of features in the hidden state
- num_layers
Number of recurrent layers. E.g., setting
would mean stacking two RNNs together to form astacked RNN
, with the second RNN taking in outputs of the first RNN and computing the final results. Default: 1- nonlinearity
The non-linearity to use. Can be either
. Default:'tanh'
- bias
, then the layer does not use bias weightsb_ih
. Default:TRUE
- batch_first
, then the input and output tensors are provided as(batch, seq, feature)
. Default:FALSE
- dropout
If non-zero, introduces a
layer on the outputs of each RNN layer except the last layer, with dropout probability equal todropout
. Default: 0- bidirectional
, becomes a bidirectional RNN. Default:FALSE
- ...
other arguments that can be passed to the super class.
For each element in the input sequence, each layer computes the following function:
$$ h_t = \tanh(W_{ih} x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh}) $$
where \(h_t\) is the hidden state at time t
, \(x_t\) is
the input at time t
, and \(h_{(t-1)}\) is the hidden state of the
previous layer at time t-1
or the initial hidden state at time 0
If nonlinearity
is 'relu'
, then \(\mbox{ReLU}\) is used instead of
input of shape
(seq_len, batch, input_size)
: tensor containing the features of the input sequence. The input can also be a packed variable length sequence.h_0 of shape
(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
: tensor containing the initial hidden state for each element in the batch. Defaults to zero if not provided. If the RNN is bidirectional, num_directions should be 2, else it should be 1.
output of shape
(seq_len, batch, num_directions * hidden_size)
: tensor containing the output features (h_t
) from the last layer of the RNN, for eacht
. If a :class:nn_packed_sequence
has been given as the input, the output will also be a packed sequence. For the unpacked case, the directions can be separated usingoutput$view(seq_len, batch, num_directions, hidden_size)
, with forward and backward being direction0
respectively. Similarly, the directions can be separated in the packed case.h_n of shape
(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
: tensor containing the hidden state fort = seq_len
. Like output, the layers can be separated usingh_n$view(num_layers, num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
Input1: \((L, N, H_{in})\) tensor containing input features where \(H_{in}=\mbox{input\_size}\) and
represents a sequence length.Input2: \((S, N, H_{out})\) tensor containing the initial hidden state for each element in the batch. \(H_{out}=\mbox{hidden\_size}\) Defaults to zero if not provided. where \(S=\mbox{num\_layers} * \mbox{num\_directions}\) If the RNN is bidirectional, num_directions should be 2, else it should be 1.
Output1: \((L, N, H_{all})\) where \(H_{all}=\mbox{num\_directions} * \mbox{hidden\_size}\)
Output2: \((S, N, H_{out})\) tensor containing the next hidden state for each element in the batch
: the learnable input-hidden weights of the k-th layer, of shape(hidden_size, input_size)
fork = 0
. Otherwise, the shape is(hidden_size, num_directions * hidden_size)
: the learnable hidden-hidden weights of the k-th layer, of shape(hidden_size, hidden_size)
: the learnable input-hidden bias of the k-th layer, of shape(hidden_size)
: the learnable hidden-hidden bias of the k-th layer, of shape(hidden_size)
All the weights and biases are initialized from \(\mathcal{U}(-\sqrt{k}, \sqrt{k})\) where \(k = \frac{1}{\mbox{hidden\_size}}\)
if (torch_is_installed()) {
rnn <- nn_rnn(10, 20, 2)
input <- torch_randn(5, 3, 10)
h0 <- torch_randn(2, 3, 20)
rnn(input, h0)
#> [[1]]
#> torch_tensor
#> (1,.,.) =
#> Columns 1 to 9 0.9622 0.8418 -0.0502 0.1875 -0.2933 -0.9444 -0.0126 -0.4873 0.7122
#> 0.8677 -0.3529 -0.2450 0.6374 0.0679 -0.7167 -0.6897 -0.6467 0.3032
#> 0.1811 0.3920 -0.5167 -0.4076 -0.3437 0.2018 -0.2177 -0.6838 -0.3162
#> Columns 10 to 18 0.7549 0.5399 -0.1854 -0.4826 0.4033 -0.8416 -0.7491 -0.2169 0.7528
#> -0.1120 0.7855 -0.4133 -0.1124 0.0044 -0.2194 -0.8202 0.3156 0.4540
#> -0.6610 -0.1306 -0.4471 0.1243 0.7613 -0.4575 -0.5173 -0.7225 0.1277
#> Columns 19 to 20 0.8361 0.4677
#> -0.4312 0.5808
#> 0.6034 -0.1632
#> (2,.,.) =
#> Columns 1 to 9 -0.3081 -0.0639 0.2172 -0.0604 0.1254 0.4370 -0.3234 0.2159 -0.1419
#> 0.3041 -0.0074 -0.2877 -0.1937 0.1851 -0.0323 -0.1800 0.0110 0.1459
#> -0.3075 0.8545 -0.0911 -0.4127 -0.4484 -0.0903 0.1828 -0.0184 -0.1684
#> Columns 10 to 18 -0.1438 -0.5281 0.0915 0.4408 -0.2445 0.3916 -0.4612 -0.5501 -0.0287
#> -0.2157 -0.2639 -0.4763 0.6271 0.2091 -0.3575 -0.4149 -0.0133 0.6744
#> -0.4989 -0.0275 -0.2810 -0.4277 0.5102 -0.1220 -0.1063 -0.6250 -0.0097
#> Columns 19 to 20 -0.5657 0.2921
#> -0.1760 0.3062
#> 0.7336 0.4270
#> (3,.,.) =
#> Columns 1 to 9 -0.3951 0.2865 -0.4982 -0.5852 0.4242 0.2952 0.0952 0.1432 -0.0250
#> -0.2299 0.5802 -0.1146 -0.0046 0.1156 0.0213 0.4462 -0.0442 0.1141
#> -0.1593 0.5002 0.0338 -0.2100 -0.2869 -0.0104 0.0684 -0.1977 -0.1143
#> ... [the output was truncated (use n=-1 to disable)]
#> [ CPUFloatType{5,3,20} ][ grad_fn = <StackBackward0> ]
#> [[2]]
#> torch_tensor
#> (1,.,.) =
#> Columns 1 to 9 0.0630 -0.8164 0.2896 0.2990 0.6140 0.4442 -0.2577 0.2354 -0.6512
#> 0.3258 0.7673 0.2476 -0.0734 -0.3150 -0.7168 -0.3780 -0.0354 0.4539
#> 0.6156 -0.2728 -0.2687 -0.2571 0.0563 0.3960 0.1600 -0.3323 -0.2503
#> Columns 10 to 18 0.3313 0.0636 -0.6123 0.4605 0.5237 -0.5697 -0.3941 0.2849 0.5401
#> -0.0454 -0.2743 -0.2354 -0.2107 -0.4200 0.4798 0.3181 0.0149 -0.3661
#> 0.0462 0.2313 -0.6927 0.2438 0.3224 -0.6745 -0.2389 -0.3397 0.3211
#> Columns 19 to 20 -0.2524 -0.4662
#> -0.1121 0.5733
#> 0.1792 -0.4667
#> (2,.,.) =
#> Columns 1 to 9 -0.4231 -0.0168 -0.2824 -0.2403 -0.0204 0.1226 -0.6130 -0.0832 -0.1784
#> -0.1863 0.2507 -0.1469 -0.0242 -0.3112 -0.3717 0.1528 0.0188 0.0560
#> -0.4433 0.3292 -0.0548 -0.2575 -0.2851 0.3427 -0.1712 -0.0420 -0.1880
#> Columns 10 to 18 0.5409 -0.3738 0.2143 0.5125 -0.0781 -0.2669 -0.6297 -0.7925 0.2595
#> -0.4808 -0.0326 -0.0531 -0.2579 0.4998 -0.0980 -0.0159 0.0305 0.1732
#> 0.4075 -0.0128 0.0704 0.0968 0.0571 0.1456 -0.5200 -0.5549 0.1160
#> Columns 19 to 20 -0.1831 -0.1266
#> 0.5855 0.1915
#> -0.2988 0.1237
#> [ CPUFloatType{2,3,20} ][ grad_fn = <StackBackward0> ]