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torch_div(self, other, rounding_mode)



(Tensor) the input tensor.


(Number) the number to be divided to each element of input


(str, optional) – Type of rounding applied to the result:

  • NULL - default behavior. Performs no rounding and, if both input and other are integer types, promotes the inputs to the default scalar type. Equivalent to true division in Python (the / operator) and NumPy’s np.true_divide.

  • "trunc" - rounds the results of the division towards zero. Equivalent to C-style integer division.

  • "floor" - rounds the results of the division down. Equivalent to floor division in Python (the // operator) and NumPy’s np.floor_divide.

div(input, other, out=NULL) -> Tensor

Divides each element of the input input with the scalar other and returns a new resulting tensor.

Each element of the tensor input is divided by each element of the tensor other. The resulting tensor is returned.

$$ \mbox{out}_i = \frac{\mbox{input}_i}{\mbox{other}_i} $$ The shapes of input and other must be broadcastable . If the torch_dtype of input and other differ, the torch_dtype of the result tensor is determined following rules described in the type promotion documentation . If out is specified, the result must be castable to the torch_dtype of the specified output tensor. Integral division by zero leads to undefined behavior.


Integer division using div is deprecated, and in a future release div will perform true division like torch_true_divide(). Use torch_floor_divide() to perform integer division, instead.

$$ \mbox{out}_i = \frac{\mbox{input}_i}{\mbox{other}} $$ If the torch_dtype of input and other differ, the torch_dtype of the result tensor is determined following rules described in the type promotion documentation . If out is specified, the result must be castable to the torch_dtype of the specified output tensor. Integral division by zero leads to undefined behavior.


if (torch_is_installed()) {

a = torch_randn(c(5))
torch_div(a, 0.5)

a = torch_randn(c(4, 4))
b = torch_randn(c(4))
torch_div(a, b)
#> torch_tensor
#> -0.8633  0.0851 -3.1823 -0.1029
#> -0.4324 -0.7425  4.7351 -0.7904
#> -0.7002  0.9732  2.1361  1.3438
#>  2.2862 -2.4670  4.6140 -0.1961
#> [ CPUFloatType{4,4} ]